I've been shooting with David N Sachs Photography for two years now and I think it's time I finally write a blog post to talk about how much fun it's been!

I'm going to be honest, I was super nervous for the first wedding we shot together and wanted to make a great first impression because.. well who doesn't always?? Before meeting David, I took a break from shooting weddings - let's just say I was having a quarter-life crisis haha. But today I've shot dozens and dozens of weddings with David and I look forward to shooting weddings every single weekend and am loving it more than ever!

To say that I've learned a lot from David would be an understatement. Two years ago I just wanted photography to be my "side hustle" because I didn't want to get tired of photography and it didn't seem realistic. But last October, after shooting wedding after wedding, weekend after weekend and having a blast and looking forward to it every time, I realized that this is what I'm supposed to be doing and I shouldn't be.. uh, sitting at a desk Monday through Friday analyzing data. I realized that if I want something bad enough, I can make it happen. SO HERE WE ARE.

It's really amazing to look at photos that I took two years ago and see how much I've improved. I've learned soooo much about lighting, flash, posing, directing, going with with the flow and literally so many things. I'm forever grateful for the the friendship and for the opportunities that David has given me.

I don't think there's a better wedding to show how fun these past two years have been than Ryan and Kristen's wedding at the Crow Canyon Country Club in Danville, California. Scroll to the end to see an amazing cake cutting and super fun dance photos!

Photographer: @davidnsachs

Second Photographer: @rebeccaskidgelphoto

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rebecca skidgel photography crow canyon country club danville wedding photographer groom getting ready details
rebecca skidgel photography crow canyon country club danville wedding photographer groom getting ready details
rebecca skidgel photography crow canyon country club danville wedding photographer groom getting ready details
rebecca skidgel photography crow canyon country club danville wedding photographer groom getting ready putting on shoes
rebecca skidgel photography crow canyon country club danville wedding photographer groom getting ready putting on shoes
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